What to expect

  • Anglican Liturgy

    Our service uses three books: the Holy Bible, The Book of Common Prayer (REC), and the Book of Common Praise (2019). Even if the words are new to you, they are time-honored in the Church, embodying the ideals of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty directing us back to God. We invite you to join our liturgy in spirit and truth, even if that means simply listening.

  • Children in Church

    Children are welcome in our service – they are parishioners as much as anyone else. We do not have a separate service for children as we want the whole family to grow together in grace & discipleship through the liturgy – training in the liturgy should start early after all! For those that need it (babies or otherwise), there is a cry room available.

  • Receiving Communion

    Grace Church welcomes any baptized Christian – holding the Faith in sincerity and not otherwise barred from communion by another church – to its altar rail. Let us affirm our mystical unity in Christ by partaking of His Body and Blood together.

Fasts & Feasts

We worship within the cycle of the Church Year as we move through a series of remembrances in the life of Christ and his church. Each season is meant to help us remember aspects of God’s grace by feasting and fasting, disciplines, colors, hymns, and liturgies. We see the story of redemption from Genesis to Revelation and beyond into Christ’s church as it is lived out in the lives of faithful Christians who we sometimes call saints.